💣 How I dropped the A.D.H.D Bomb on my Boss!

In this weeks post I’ll talk about:

  • How I informed my boss

  • Famous people with ADHD.

  • My reaction

  • What it meant for me

How I did it:

I actually informed my boss that I had ‘suspected’ ADHD, two weeks before my official diagnosis.

At this time I had only completed two screening tests. I sat my boss down in his office, and informed him that I stumbled across Steven Bartlett’s (who also has ADHD btw) Diary of a CEO podcast episode on ADHD with Mel Robbins and upon researching the symptoms, I think I may have it, and scheduled a private ADHD assessment…

How I felt breaking the ADHD news to my manager

I discussed what I thought my ADHD strengths and challenges (I don’t like saying weaknesses) were:

  • Hyper focus

  • My psycho competitiveness and desire to win

  • Potential inattentiveness

  • Resilience

My boss’s initial reaction was:

  • Supportive

  • Impressed that I made something of myself upon being undiagnosed for decades.

  • Appreciative of me sharing the news with him

  • He shared a close friends Neuro divergent diagnosis report with me. So, I think he had an idea of what I was going through.

    •  Steven Bartlett

    • James Smith

And through this I researched more ‘successful’ people with ADHD.

  • Michael Jordan

  • Richard Branson

  • Justin Timberlake

  • Michael Phelps

  • Emma Watson

  • Trevor Noah

  • Mel Robbins

  • Beyonce’s sister (Solange Knowles)

  • And many more!

Sounds crazy, but after seeing that list, and reading their ADHD journeys, it gave me hope (which is what I plan to do to my readers) I felt proud to share ADHD with them!

Fast forward two weeks later, I told him it’s official and I have it. We had a discussion around how we work around the strengths and challenges.


My reaction:

I’m fully aware that work deliverables must be met! And inasmuch as I have a Neuro difference, the brutal reality is that other people:

  • May not care

  • May not have the patience

  • May be ignorant of Neuro Divergence

  • May be results driven.

So, my mindset is, continue to:

  • Grow

  • Learn new methods and tricks (discussed on my last post)

  • Ask for help where required

  • Leverage colleagues

Final thoughts.. To share with your boss or not?

For me, upon sharing my diagnosis to my manager, I felt:

  • Relieved

  • Less anxious

  •  Like a monkey off my back

According to Done ADHD, the number one job to avoid with ADHD is Accountancy! And although I haven’t had any catastrophic incidences on the job pertaining to my ADHD, I was low key conscious that the higher I progress in my finance career, the risk of such events happening increases.

As much as I think I can take on the world at times, I understand that the stakes can be high, and I felt coming out helped me get the extra help and inspiration.


The ADHD Professional

Disclaimer: I am not your psychiatrist, coach, doctor. Neurodivergent Diaries does not provide medical services or professional counselling and is not a substitute for professional medical care. Everything I publish represents my opinions, experience, not advice.








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